Here is this weekend's 14U JVA Heat League Championship tournament information.
Dear club directors/head coaches, please review the final seeding for the upcoming championship weekend of May 6th&7th ranking:
Plan for this 2 days championship is:
3 games on Saturday and 2 games on Sunday are guaranteed.
U13/14 Bronze division Heat Complex 8 AM
U13/14 Gold division Heat Complex 3 PM
U13/14 Aqua Division Clovis East (east gym) 8 AM
U13/14 Silver Division Clovis East (east gym) 3 PM
Sunday: 2 top teams move up a division for championship brackets from Saturday :
17 teams Gold Bracket- Heat 8 AM
14 teams Silver Bracket- Clovis East (east gym) 8 AM
14 teams Bronze Bracket-Heat 3 PM
12 teams Aqua Bracket-Clovis East (west gym) 8 AM
Please let me know if you have any questions or conflicts by tomorrow morning, as we want to have the schedule at AES ready on Wednesday.
Thank you,